Walking Everywhere, and Anywhere!

Every now and then I will update this blog with thoughts about walking, and being a pedestrian in Southern California. Between 2014-2017, this blog also featured several posts about my bicycle adventures around Southern California, but as of 2018 I am back to just being a pedestrian. Riding a bike was fun until someone through a water bottle in my chain one day late at night, so since that time I have just felt safer walking.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pedestrians Should Be Given Free Identification Cards

Many states are proposing that voters show identification at their polling place, and honestly I am not completely against this.  When you apply for a store credit or use a credit card you are expected to show identification, so why is it so unreasonable to have to show ID at your polling place?  My one objection to having to show identification is the cost, which some people who do not drive cannot afford.  If you are an American who does not drive, there are chances you could not afford a car or ID.  It is unfair to expect the poorest Americans, many of who do not drive, to have to pay for their identification cards.  Also, why must pedestrians have to go to the DMV to get their identification cards?  As a pedestrian I can afford to buy my identification card, but I just find it a bit funny having to do so at the DMV since I am not a driver.

A few years back there was talk creating national identification cards for legal US citizens and residents, and I think that would be a good idea.  However, no one should be charged for these cards in order to keep these accessible.  This way pedestrians do not have to trudge to the DMV just to fill out paper work for an identification card, and the poorest Americans will not be subjected to the humiliation of not being able to afford their ID.  This might not be an issue for a large number of people, but the cost of an identification card can cost about a week's worth of groceries for many families.  We get free social security cards, and I believe it should be the same with a national ID card.  Actually, perhaps another idea would be to turn social security cards into national ID cards with a photograph.  Those who have been victims of identity theft who be more protected if a social security card was a form of photo identification.  If people lose their national ID card or social security card, then they could pay a reasonable price to replace it.  With all the arguments swirling around about how it is a violation of civil liberties to show an identification card at the polling place, why not just eliminate this problem by providing this cards for free for all legal US citizens and residents.  Problem solved, and the price of creating these cards for all Americans would be well worth the cost.

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